
Answers From Amy

My friend Amy and her sister Sarah have been in the dance community for a long time.  They are close, loving sisters.  (It makes me want to have a sister.) Amy worked in the child care program at my school for several years and taught dance at Happendance. This year she got a teaching job in a classroom of her own.  

In Okemos, there is a shop called Bottom's Up where I get all my dance shoes and leotards.  The staff there is friendly and helpful.  Amy and her sister worked there for a long time too. 

1. How long have you been dancing?
I have been dancing since I was four years old. That makes it 19 years!2. What got you into dancing?
My mom was the person who got me into dancing. She was a dancer herself and shared that passion with all her girls.
Do you teach dance?
I have taught dance for 6 years. I took a break this year to focus on my school teaching job.
Can you tell me a little about Bottoms Up?
Well, Bottoms Up is a dance clothing store. It has been around for about 30 years. (I don't know the exact date) They have practically any dance item you would need. The ladies there really work hard to bring in the newest dance apparel, and are always getting shipments of cute things!
How long did you work there?
I worked there for nine and a half years.
Do you like working and dancing with your sister?
I LOVE working and dancing with my sister!
What is your favorite product at Bottoms Up?
My favorite product at bottoms up...well I can't say that I have one. I always like seeing what new leotards come in, and of course I love pointe shoes.
8. Besides your sister, does anyone else in your family dance?
My mom, my younger sister, older sister and I all dance. We all took ballroom lessons when we were younger, including my dad and my brother!
What is your new job?
My new job is a fourth grade teacher at a school in Utah. I love it!
Have you always liked working with children?
Yes, I have always liked working with kids! Every since first grade, I have known I wanted to be a teacher.
What is your favorite part about Dancing?
My favorite part about dancing is performing. I love dancing, and I absolutely enjoy sharing my love of dance with an audience.
Do you watch dance on TV?
I do watch dance on T.V. I like watching So You Think You Can dance for the music and the different choreography. I usually record it and skip through the judging, just to watch the dance.
13. What Broadway musicals or traveling dance companies have you seen?
My family would always go to the Wharton center to see all kinds of performances. The ones I can remember right now are Copacabana, Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, Alvin Alley, The Lion King, and many more, I just can't remember all of them. I saw Wicked in Chicago!
14. Have you made friends from dancing?
Some of my closest friends were made in dance. When you spend hours doing something you love with people that share the same passion with, it is easy to become close friends fast.15. Have you had any dance injures?
I sprained an ankle once, but that didn't stop me for long. I have been lucky.
16.What kinds of costumes do you like?
Tutus of course!!!


MSU Dance Team - Interview With Leah

Today I met Michigan State University Dance Team Captain Leah Shipley.  She sat down with me to chat about practices, routines, parades and Sparty.  She invited me to join her for a clinic that her team will be putting on this year.  I would love to go and learn some of their dance moves.  Leah was very nice to me.  I can see why her coach selected her as team captain.  Next time you attend an MSU game, take a minute to cheer for the dance team.  


Beginning A New School Year

This week, most kids I know went back to school.  Here is a picture of me with my new teacher Mrs. Rush.
She has been teaching over 20 years.  My older brother Keenan had her when he was younger.  She is very sweet.  (She also has red hair like me.)  Before school, I stood on the porch and my mom took my picture.

A lot of kids started dance classes this week too.  Here are a few pictures of me in class.


Dance Therapy

My mom and I have found information about people that use dance to help their bodies and minds recover and feel good.  Below is a video example from UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital.

I am always happy when I dance.  Now i've learned that you can use dance for a greater purpose.  It's good for your body and soul and at all different ages and ability levels.  

Keenan's Hip Hop

These videos are of my brother.  He plays football and wrestles.  Last year he started singing and dancing.  These videos are of him from a recital and from his high school talent show.  I hope next year he adds beat-boxing to his dance routine, because he is good at that too!